Where does my donation go?
Girls Empowerment Network uses donations like yours to offer self-efficacy building programs such as Radiant G Conferences and Radiant G Circle to girls across Texas.
Whether she is shooting for an A, overcoming a bully, becoming the first in her family to go to college, breaking up with an abusive partner, or just trying to take care of herself when she feels like no one else will – when a girl* experiences our empowering programs, she realizes she can do it and she becomes powerful. When a girl* feels powerful, she becomes unstoppable.
Your Support Matters.
We make every dollar count. Your contribution, of any level, impacts a girl* directly. We offer the highest level of transparency and ethical application of your gift; you can review our financial statements here. We are a 501(c)(3) organization and eligible charitable gifts are tax deductible.
“I learned something new, if I put my mind to it, I can do it.”
-Girls Empowerment Network Program Participant
Gifts to Girls Empowerment Network may be made by check via mail sent to:
Girls Empowerment Network
P.O. Box 3122
Austin, TX 78764
Telephone: (512) 808-4044
Email: office@girlsempowermentnetwork.org
Donate Stock
Girls Empowerment Network can now accept stock donations. Please email our Development Team to learn how.
Donate Your Car!
Did you know you can donate your car to Girls Empowerment Network? CARS makes it easy! Simply call 1-855-500-RIDE or fill out the online form and they take care of the rest from pick up to receipt.
Buy Our Merch!
Support Girls Empowerment Network through your purchase of our branded merch on Bonfire.